Digital Transformation Solution Vietnam

Opus Solution and Korean companies announce MOU for global collaboration – New Opportunities Ahead!

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Opus Solution and Korean companies announce MOU for global collaboration – New Opportunities Ahead!

On November 28th, 2024, at LBS Startup Showcase held in Park Hyatt Saigon, Ho Chi Minh City, Opus Solution had the opportunity to meet and discuss with Korean companies about the role of information and cybersecurity market in Vietnam and How for Business to implement effectively and successfully. In this showcase, the representative and director of Opus Solution, Mr. Nguyen Hoang Nhut also signed MOU with ICLO and Digital Curve to advance into the global market, open up and foster opportunities for cooperation between the two sides. This is an important milestone and serve as a basis for future cooperation activities. Read More

Challenges And Opportunities Of Digital Transformation In US Law Firms

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The legal industry is known for its traditional approach to doing business; lawyers aren’t necessarily known as “early adopters” and historically have been slow to adopt new technology compared to other sectors like finance or healthcare. Images of Paul Newman in The Verdict, surrounded by dozens of bankers’ boxes in a wood-paneled law office, probably come to mind, versus a metal-and-glass law firm powered by artificial intelligence like something out of a Philip K. Dick sci-fi novel. Read More