A global financial services firm we worked with really seemed to get the digital message. They hired a chief digital officer who led many locally successful projects to improve the customer experience. Read More
IoT Archives - Opus Solution
The increasing demand for always-on connectivity, immersive experiences, secure collaboration, and remote human relationships is pushing networks to their limits, while the market is driving down price. The network infrastructure must ensure operators are able to optimize costs and gain efficiencies, while enabling the development of personalized and differentiated services. To address the requirements of rolling out 5G, operators will face strong challenges, including high capital expenditure (CapEx) investments, an increased need for scale, automation, and secure management of the massive volume of data it will generate. Read More
We have reached an inflection point where business success will be determined not just by sound business thinking but by the use of technology to execute on that thinking in an optimal fashion. Digital transformation is all about thinking and imagining how business models and processes are affected by the application of technologies that, up until a few years ago, were nonexistent in the business world or deemed cost-prohibitive. Read More
Over the last few years, most discussions about the next year’s Digital Transformation trends had begun to feel a bit repetitive: Cloud, Edge Compute, the IoT, AR… It always seemed like the same chairs being rearranged around the same old room. 2020 will be a departure from that. While the same core technologies that dominated these discussions will continue to be foundational to our collective digital transformation journey, 2020 will be defined by a fresh new class of technologies ready to graduate to the sidelines to center stage. Among them: 5G, AI, advanced data analytics, but also some that may surprise you. Without further ado, here are the 10 among them that I believe will be the most significant in 2020. Read More
New report reveals 97% of organizations are currently undertaking or planning to undertake digital transformation initiatives, but the vast majority say only a small proportion of their applications are integrated with each other. Read More
Digital transformation is one of the steps on the way to a business being able to adopt artificial intelligence (AI), blockchain, augmented reality (AR) and other advanced technologies that provide it with a competitive advantage. It is also seen as necessary for survival. Read More
“Industrial Revolution 4.0″ is taking place in many developed countries. It gives mankind the opportunity to change the face of the economy, but there are many unpredictable risks.
In the past few months, the concept of “Industrial Revolution 4.0″ has been widely talked about in the media and social networks. Along with that is the promise of “life changing” of businesses in Vietnam if our country can catch up the wave. Therefore, how should this revolution be understood?