Increase internal cohesion and work efficiency. Help people easily exchange, discuss and work together.

Increase productivity
Online working space with scientific organization system on Tasken EMS helps you easily manage the work of each employee and department.

Reduce time wasted
All information along with the corporate document system is scientifically organized and sufficient which help employees and managers save time in searching and handling work requirements.

Staff satisfaction
Employees of companies using Tasken EMS are satisfied with the cohesive, shared, transparent and professional working environment that Tasken EMS brings to their business.


  • Issue corporate decisions and policies extensively to all employees.
  • Staff interact, commute, discuss with each other to catch up the contents of the company’s notice.
  • Notification system was decentralized by company, department.

Internal Collaboration

  • Job assignment & capture the status and progress of the complete work
  • Engage, exchange work with colleagues at all times
  • Directly communicate with colleagues through individual chat, group chat

In-depth discussion

  • Create high quality discussion topics.
  • Increase the interactivity and contribution of each member.
  • Achieve superior results compared to conventional discussion.


  • Develop incentive policies for employees.
  • Automatically inform the whole system about the reward.
  • Awards are stored in profile of each employee.