Information Technology Archives - Opus Solution
Microsoft offers an array of options for data analytics in its cloud that are meant to operate together as a full analytics stack. Here is an overview of the core services and where each fits. Read More
The traditional workplace model has been wholly shattered, and it appears as though Microsoft will be one of the biggest beneficiaries. Large businesses adopted Microsoft 365 (M365) en masse to ensure their employees were productive and engaged while working from home. Organizations’ risk tolerance for smaller vendors evaporates in moments of crisis, so many flocked to a proven enterprise software leader. Read More
Even as businesses around the globe continue to reel from the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, many forward-thinking IT leaders are using the disruption as an opportunity to advance their digital transformation plans. Read More
Microsoft on Monday gave notice that it will be ending support this year for the “workflows” component of SharePoint 2010 Online, as well as deprecating that component for SharePoint 2013 Online. Read More
How do you know when your digital transformation strategy needs a shift to address market changes or new priorities? Consider these three examples. Read More
More than three quarters of large companies today have a “data-hungry” AI initiative under way — projects involving neural networks or deep-learning systems trained on huge repositories of data. Yet, many of the most valuable data sets in organizations are quite small: Think kilobytes or megabytes rather than exabytes. Because this data lacks the volume and velocity of big data, it’s often overlooked, languishing in PCs and functional databases and unconnected to enterprise-wide IT innovation initiatives. Read More
There has been an image floating around LinkedIn and Twitter asking people what inspired their digital transformation. Was it 1. CEO 2. CTO or 3. Covid-19? Already, 70% of companies had a digital transformation in place or were working on one. Read More
Have big digital transformation plans for the year ahead? These obstacles may already be slowing your progress. Here’s how to overcome them. Read More
Digital disruption is a big area to tackle, that can’t just be on the to-do list for an IT director to get to when they have time. Read More